Africa Monitor

Africa Monitor Intelligence

Guinea-Bissau: PAIGC Political Strategy ‘Plays’ with 2024 Presidentials

PR UMARO SISSOCO EMBALÓ (USE), personally incompatible with the PAIGC president, must comply with the constitutional formalities and ask the winning party of the 04.JUN elections to nominate the PM and form government. Contrary to what was initially stated, he should not raise obstacles to the name of rival DOMINGOS SIMÕES PEREIRA (DSP), president of the party for several years and his opponent in the last presidential elections.

The unexpected electoral victory with a majority for the PAIGC, which ran for elections through the Plataforma Aliança Inclusiva - Terra Ranka (PAI-TR), will result in the formation of a government from the end of JUL. The nomination of the new PAIGC government will be preceded by the inauguration of the MPs scheduled for mid-JUL. READ MORE