Africa Monitor

Africa Monitor Intelligence

Angola: Lourenço, MPLA Politburo and SINSE in Reaction to Cafunfo

Angola: Lourenço, MPLA Politburo and SINSE in Reaction to Cafunfo

The Police GC, PAULO DE ALMEIDA (PA) was the first high-level entity to travel to the local after the occurrence. The relatively serene tone of his on-the-spot statements would not, however, merit the approval of the MPLA Political Bureau, presumably for not being in tune with the regime's reaction, already prepared.
In Luanda, at a press conference called for this purpose, PA would use a new language to refer to events, marked by a harshness described as "contrary to his own personality traits". The Minister of the Interior, EUGÉNIO LABORINHO, in a circumstantial approach on the subject, resorted to the same emphasis as PA.
The mentoring of the regime's “response” to the events of Cafunfo fell to BP/ MPLA (Secretariat), generally working in conjunction with SINSE and with GAPI/ Presidency of the Republic. Conjectures according to which PR, JOÃO LOURENÇO (JL) did not know of the harshness of the BP/ MPLA in the Government's reactions are considered to have no consistency. READ MORE