Africa Monitor

Africa Monitor Intelligence

Angola: Boomerang Effect of Repression Hampers Control

Angola: Boomerang Effect of Repression Hampers Control

Angolan leaders usually show feelings of confidence in the continuation of a climate of political and social stability in the country, claiming that “the situation is under control” - a euphemism generally used to downplay potential threats of upheavals, including arising from the economic-financial crisis and the unpopularity into which the MPLA and the regime fell.
The loyalty of the FA is especially due to old processes of “softening” of its hierarchy and of the high officiality, offered material advantages (source of personal prosperity) and with perks that give them social status, but also, in the last line, a secret system of internal control of the units by the Military Intelligence and Security Service (SISM).
The confidence in the stability of the country that the absence of violent popular demonstrations transmits to the leaders is considered illusory. The “extreme fear” of police reactions, referred to as a discouraging and/ or paralyzing element of protest and/ or popular discontent against the regime, may change.
In recent months, it has been noted that police force actions against popular protest demonstrations are more contained in Luanda than in the provinces (interior). The restraint with which the Police started to behave in Luanda is not verified in the provinces. Their isolation and the less attention they raise allows to dilute any negative effects of the Police's conduct. READ MORE