Africa Monitor Intelligence
Mozambique: Macomia, Muidumbe and Siri-2 in Sight of Rwanda Forces in Cabo Delgado
The joint mission of the National Police of Rwanda (RNP)/Rwanda Defense Force (RDF) against Islamic-inspired armed groups active in Cabo Delgado, which formally began on 09.JUL after three months of intelligence gathering missions on the insurgents (AM 1312), should now enter a more prolonged phase, after initial rapid advances in the field.
The previous study of the enemy and the terrain, carried out in MAY-JUL., allowed the RDF to prepare a mission with adequate means and men for a rapid advance of forces and with minimal casualties. The balance of the RDF indicates that in c. two months of offensive operations the insurgents were dislodged from their main bases in the districts of Palma, Mocímboa da Praia (MdP), Muidumbe. To be targeted are the dense forest areas south of Mocímboa and north of Macomb. READ MORE