Africa Monitor

Africa Monitor Intelligence

Angola: Rapprochement to José Eduardo dos Santos Vital for Lourenço

JOÃO LOURENÇO (JL) wants to take advantage of the presence of JOSÉ EDUARDO DOS SANTOS (JES) in Luanda to publicly promote the idea of ​​a rapprochement between the two, as he sees this as an artifice that could bring benefits to himself and, additionally, to the regime and the MPLA.

The fact that the recovery of JES's capacity for political influence was directly proportional to JL's overshadowing, also at the international level (AM 1312), is seen as a particularity that forces JL to reconnect with his predecessor in conditions that does not show weakness.

In the initial phase of his mandate, JL declared himself “unavailable” for an extra-judicial (negotiated) solution to end the arrest/confiscation of the assets of ISABEL DOS SANTOS (IS), in the country and abroad. The situation has changed to such an extent that such a solution would also tend to bring him advantages. READ MORE