Africa Monitor

Africa Monitor Intelligence

Mozambique: Divestment and Corruption Decisive in the Operational Disability of the FADM

The signs of demoralization had practical effects on the ground, with the weak or non-existent resistance of the troops stationed in Cabo Delgado to the offensives of the insurgent cells, indicated on the occasion of the capture of strategic points such as Mocímboa da Praia and Palma. In addition to the Government's responsibility for disinvesting in means and equipment in recent years, the FADM have a significant number of demoralized elements in their ranks, who earn low wages and see part of the subsidies that should make up their income being diverted by military leaders, including in Maputo. In a context without transparency and accountability mechanisms, military leaders often divert financial resources made available to military logistics.

The FADM are one of the few sectors of the State that are not governed by the e-SISTAFE (Electronic System of State Financial Administration), which does not allow for a transparent tracking of the management of financial flows, creating conditions favorable to corruption and embezzlement schemes. READ MORE