Africa Monitor

Africa Monitor Intelligence

Angola: Santos' Absence Blocks Lourenço's Effort for Reconciliation at MPLA Congress

JOÃO LOURENÇO (JL) has been revealing his intention to take advantage of the presence in Luanda of JOSÉ EDUARDO dos SANTOS (JES), who returned from Barcelona in SEP. to publicly promote the idea of ​​a rapprochement between both, seeing in this an artifice that could benefit himself and, additionally, the regime and the MPLA. JES is presented by figures with proper knowledge of the matter as "hurt" in relation to the shoddy manner in which he claims he has been treated by his successor.

The signs of a decline in JL's image, reflected within the MPLA itself, are presented in political circles in Luanda as one of the factors that forced him to hold the VIII Ordinary Congress of the party with a reconciliatory tone, bringing together representatives of different currents of the regime. The main purpose was for the party to present itself in the next general elections with a united and reconciled image.

For this, as conceived by JL and some of his closest collaborators, JES should participate in the opening ceremony of the Congress. This should symbolize party cohesion and the cessation of hostilities between the former PR and JL. READ MORE