Africa Monitor

Africa Monitor Intelligence

Angola: Lourenço's Internal Credibility Undermined by Mishaps

Derogatory comments that the JL's "performance" provoked in the party's own circles, in general discreet, include that the "lapses in language" in which he incurred compromised the MPLA. The case of the criticism, considered unfounded, that he addressed to businessmen, in general, with the exception of one - the Leonor Carrinho (LC) group to which he referred to in complimentary terms - is especially pointed out.

JL's lapses, described among his internal critics as "recurring" (whenever he speaks, he particularizes), are considered a product of his "military mentality". The most common argument, however, is that which refers the cause of the phenomenon to influences exerted by advisors and other individuals who, through fanciful narratives of the country's realities, feed into him visions of issues justifying the tendencies he denotes (insolence and lack of humility, among others).

The harsh way in which he referred to national businessmen at the press conference gave rise to public reactions to restore the truth and defend the honor on the part of two of the most respected business association leaders, JOSÉ SEVERINO and FRANCISCO VIANA. In political circles, JL's attitude was considered reckless, given the businessmen's influences on society as large employers. READ MORE