Africa Monitor

Africa Monitor Intelligence

Angola: FLEC-FAC Refuses “Internal Dialogue” with Luanda; wants Portugal Involved

It is in Cabinda that the different branches of the Angolan security apparatus, especially SINSE, have more numerous/ active networks. Huambo, another province considered “priority”, appears next. The reason for the security importance given to Cabinda, stems from the recognition of an environment considered “constant” of political and social discontent of the population.

The police and security capacity present in the territory is especially employed in actions to identify outbreaks of discontent. Whenever intentions and/or plans for public demonstrations are associated with them, the usual procedure of the authorities is to try to demobilize them as a result of acts of enticement or intimidation. The purpose is to avoid a climate of political contestation.

The discontent of the population of Cabinda in relation to the government has been expanding continuously, thus confirming predictions according to which the postponement of a resolution of the problem capable of preserving the territory's ties with Angola, would make it always more difficult. The new generations, more educated and more politically aware, are considered less prone to the idea of ​​a mere autonomy of the territory, which the regime seems to intend. READ MORE