Africa Monitor

Africa Monitor Intelligence

Angola: Lourenço Mobilizes State to Avoid Backlash with dos Santos Death

JOÃO LOURENÇO (JL) sought to take advantage of the presence in Luanda of JOSÉ EDUARDO dos SANTOS (JES), between SEP.2021-FEB.2022 to publicly promote the idea of ​​a rapprochement between the two, as he saw this as an artifice that could bring benefits to himself and, additionally, for the regime and the MPLA. JES is presented by figures with proper knowledge of the matter as "a hurt man" in relation to the demeaning way in which he claims he has been treated by his successor. He denotes special grievance regarding the “punitive obstinacy” revealed by JL towards his own children (AM 1318).

JES's poor health shown in the images of JL's visit (short and formal, according to specific reports) is the result of a surgery he underwent in Barcelona. The financial difficulties he was experiencing led him to request JL's “good offices” in view of the legal recognition of farms he considered his own, in Cuanza Sul (Calulo), Benguela and Luanda (AM 1336). READ MORE