Africa Monitor

Africa Monitor Intelligence

Mozambique: Business and “Apparatus” of Montepuez Ruby Mining (MRM) Tremble

Work stoppages and protests at MRM, the main gemstone mining company in the country, have become more frequent. In addition to labor problems, incidents involve issues related to the “resettlement” of populations inserted within the limits of the DUAT (concession area) and related to the treatment of illegal “mining”. The DUAT includes five villages - Mpene, Namanhumbir, Nanune, Nseue and Ntoro - but only the last one will be subject to resettlement (transfer of the population to a location built by MRM). MRM has been complaining about unauthorized “camping” in the concession area.

Deaths have also been reported among illegal “miners” inside the DUAT, along with abuses by the private security company contracted by ARKHE Risk Solutions, owned by Omega Risk Solutions and by Mozambican partners, and by the security body of MRM, composed of c. 110 security guards without firearms permit. READ MORE