Africa Monitor Intelligence
Mozambique: Africambios in Liquidation Reveals Inability to Investigate “Hidden Debts”
Angola: New US Investments Counterbalance Chinese Influence
Guinea-Bissau: Turkish Power Supply Giving Way To Regional Project
Mozambique: Celso Correia´s Ambitions Generate Tensions with FRELIMO and Nyusi
Mozambique: New attacks in Cabo Delgado Overshadow Expectations of LGN Advances
Mozambique: Training and Material Urgent For Containment of Insurgents in Cabo Delgado
International Networks Facilitate Chinese and Russian Deals in Africa Through Corruption
Mozambique: RENAMO On Alert For Police Intimidation Strategy
Cabo Verde: IIB Bank on Front Row to buy Atlantic Commercial Bank from CGD
Guinea-Bissau: Piracy Increases Maritime Risks and Vulnerability
Angola: BNA Pressured to Raise Interest Rates to Curb Inflation
Mozambique: World Bank Troubled by Indications of Irregularities in Celso Correia´s Management
Guinea-Bissau: Russian Interference in Climate of Political Tension Causes Concern
Equatorial Guinea: Dispute Between Foreign Group and “Teodorin” Reaches the Senate
Mozambique: Area 4 Consortium Divided on Coral Norte Natural Gas Platform
Mozambique: Inaction in Fight Against Kidnappings Leads Nyusi to Appoint 4th Interior Minister in 3 Years
CPLP: Quarrelsome Summit With Meager Results
Angola: MPLA Control of the State Spreads in Business Sector
Mozambique: Resettlement in Afungi Supports Relaunch of LNG Project
Equatorial Guinea: Government Confronts Oil Companies on Capital Flght
Angola: Lourenço Applied in Damage Containment From Impeachment Process
Mozambique: Insurgent Maneuvers Make Stabilization Difficult in Cabo Delgado
Angola: Lourenço Family Covets Telecom Sector
Guinea-Bissau: Government Folders Given to PRS and PTG Create Annoyance at PAIGC
Mozambique: Russian soldiers in Nampula hint at the return of Wagner