Africa Monitor Intelligence
Angola: Armed Forces Combative Readiness to Prevent Uprisings
Angola: Lourenço Strives for Political Recovery
Mozambique: Attacks in Nampula Growing and Approaching Nacala
Guinea-Bissau: Resignation of Alberto Nambeia Relaunches PRS for Upcoming Elections
Mozambique: Fears of Insurgent Reaction After Triton Resumes Operations in Ancuabe
Equatorial Guinea: “Teodorin” Presses for Recomposition of the Distribution Sector
Angola: Lourenço Plows Through After “Pyrrhic” Electoral Victory
Angola: “Free, Fair and Transparent” Elections, But Not Enough
Angola: Dos Santos Ceremonies Add to Electoral Manipulation
Cabinda: Failed Abduction Attempt of A. Tati; Military and Police Reinforcement of the Territory
Mozambique: Armed Groups Persist; Government Focus on Insurgency Financing
Equatorial Guinea: Rising Oil Prices Do Not Relieve Economic Crisis; Foreign Companies Targeted
Angola: Trio Leads Parallel Electoral Structure of the MPLA Regime; Security Forces Mobilized
Mozambique: FRELIMO’s Macondes with ‘Plan B’ for Presidential Elections
Mozambique: Cabo Delgado: Return of the “External Hand” Thesis
Guinea-Bissau: Bissau Courts in the PAIGC “War”
Mozambique: Economic Acceleration Plan Without Immediate Effects on Real Economy
Mozambique: ExxonMobil/Eni Consortium Explores Alternative Production Scenarios for Afungi
Angola: New Incentives to Relaunch Oil and Natural Gas
Mozambique: Macomia Still Under Fire
Mozambique: FRELIMO Continues RENAMO Neutralization Maneuvers
Guinea-Bissau: Sissoco Bets on Tripartite Relationship With Portugal and France
Angola: Effective Popularity of Opposition Unsettles MPLA
Mozambique: Armed Groups Keep Up Pressure on the Ground in Cabo Delgado
Mozambique: Port Interests “Sink” Minister